Sometimes schedules are busy and it's easier to have US continue the training of your new puppy. The AKC says, "Socialization begins with the breeder." Those first 12 weeks are the crucial early socialization window. I set them up with the best protocols for the first 8 weeks, the next 4 are up to you. Some families look forward to this challenge. Others, due to work and school schedules, would rather leave those 4 weeks up to us. We get it! That does not make you a bad puppy owner, just a realistic, responsible one.
The first few months of a puppy's life are intense, much like parenting a newborn. It's a big time commitment. If you decide to have your puppy stay on Papa's Farm for weeks 8-12.... Each of the four weeks in our Board and Train program has a bit of a different focus based on the puppy's development level. Each week we add to the previous week's work and build from there.
EWe will work on basic commands including "sit", "leave it", "stay", and "down." We will add in other commands after the puppy has mastered the basics.
Crate and potty training - this is that big one! There is lots of time involved in this one. We'll set the foundation with consistent use of the crate and schedules. We will transition him from the litter box to going potty outside. At 12 weeks, your puppy still has a small bladder, and may still have a few accidents, but we will have engrained the concepts.
Bathing and grooming - baths, blow drying and nail care at our home and 1-2 field trips to the groomer!
Regular field trips out into the community to continue the socialization that is so important during the first 12 weeks. Trips to the pet store, Home Depot, local feed store, visits with elderly, children of all ages, ball games and festivals (seasonal), etc.
We'll begin laying the foundation for leash walking skills. We will spend time instructing you how to keep furthering his leash walking skills when he comes to live with you.
Spots are limited for this program as training a puppy is time consuming, and we seek to do our best. So please reserve your spot as soon as you put your deposit on a litter.
On Papa's Farm Board and Train is $75/day. Keep in mind the gas and time involved in making sure your new little furry friend is exposed to a variety of experiences during the remainder of the crucial socialization window (birth - 12 weeks). It is worth the investment!