Imagine one of these super cute coops sitting in your yard! Not only are they attractive, they are well designed for your convenience and your chickens' protection! The combo coop has doors on both the front and back that open wide for easy cleaning! Just use a hoe to drag out the bedding. The Combo is built to provide plenty of ventilation: each has a removable plexiglass window on the front door, a panel on the back door, and ventilation in the peak. To help keep your girls warm in the winter, each coop has a layer of OSB under the metal roofing. For security, behind the removable window and panel, the openings are covered with hardware cloth. Each coop comes standard with 3 nest boxes and a flower box. The main access door of each model is also a Dutch door so you can just access part of the coop for easy feeding without the bedding falling out. The chicken door is closeable from the outside of the coop. No need to go in the run to lock up your girls at night!
XL Combination Coop and Run 6x6 Coop over 6x15'3" Run unpainted with black or white metal roof 1/2" hardware cloth 5 nest boxes $3,100 (Plus Sales Tax) Prices have gone up due to Covid. Each week lumber prices have gone up 10-15%. Pressure treated lumber is getting increasingly difficult to find.
Upgrades: 1/2" black PVC coated hardware cloth $100 (sometimes unavailable since Covid) other roof colors $75 painting $450 Dutch door on the Run $50 solar gooseneck light $80 additional run space $150 per 2' additional coop space $300 per 2'
Delivery Available (request a quote) Call or Text (585)245-1494